Powerful batch manufacturing at any scale

Use the features that work for your business at a cost that makes sense. We help you breeze through every step of the manufacturing process, no matter which plan you choose.




System Features

Available as SaaS
Recipe Management
Security features to control which users can access each system component

Manufacturing Execution System

Electronic Batch Records (EBR)


Schedule Production
​​Issue electronic or paper batch tickets
Automated Material Requirement planning to guide production

Recipes and Formulation

Visually constructing recipes, complete with process and testing specifications
Use of user-defined library of process definitions
Work in weight, volume, and percent modes
Calculate finished product costs
Create Batching Orders
Scale Orders as required
Manufacture Bulk or Packaged Products
Generate Batch Tickets


Material requirements planning
Issue and Generate Purchase Orders
Track open and historic purchase orders
Raw material inventory receipt, approval, and tracking
Maintain supplier price lists
 Multi Currency
Enter Bills


Track Sales Orders
Enter Orders Manually
Maintain customer price lists

Laboratory Information Management

Track Samples
Label and store retain
Manage Test Results
Track Approvals
End-to-end traceability by Lot to allow retrieval of retains
Easily determine which items need to be recalled if necessary
Generate Certificates of Analysis



Includes all Lite features, plus:

System Features

Barcode labeling of inventory
Track inventory by Container, Lot, or Warehouse
End to End Traceability


Inventory tracked by Container, Lot, or Warehouse
Track Inventory by Barcoded Location
Get full reports on inventory
Automatically create barcodes on all incoming inventory



Includes all Growth features, plus:

System Features

Available as Server Installed
Overnight email notifications and reporting functions including short inventory, pending tests and approvals, outstanding resource maintenance

Manufacturing Execution System

Integration to Scales to guide operator and record weights directly
Integration with PLC equipment to automate manufacturing
Preweigh raw materials
Campaign Weighing
Ensure that resources are sanitized for use in a batching order
Track execution of batch including lots consumed
Track resources including equipment, vessels, rooms
Track and enforce resource cleaning, maintenance, and calibration schedules


Staging for production orders
Advanced Production Reports


Most inventory functions available on handheld device
Get full reports on inventory
Enforce inventory storage rules (e.g., allergens, flammables)


Integrate with e-commerce platforms



Includes all Standard features, plus:

Manufacturing Execution System

Electronic workflows and signature requirement control of recipes, release and completion of orders
21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Signatures

System Feature Lite Growth Standard Regulated
Available as Saas
Available as Server Installed
Recipe Management
Track Inventory
Barcode labeling of inventory
Track inventory by Container, Lot, and Warehouse
End to End Traceability
Security features allow you control which users have access to each system component
Overnight email notifications and reporting functions including short inventory, pending tests and approvals, outstanding resource maintenance
Manufacturing Execution System
Interface to Scales to guide operator and record weights directly
Integrate with PLC equipment to automate manufacturing
Electronic workflows and signature requirement control release of recipes, release of orders, completion of orders
Electronic Batch Records
Preweigh raw materials
21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Signatures
Campaign Weighing
Ensure that resources are sanitized for use in a batching order
Track execution of batch including lots consumed
Track resources including equipment, vessels, rooms
Track and enforce resource cleaning, maintenance, and calibration schedules
Schedule Production
Issue electronic or paper batch tickets
Automated Material Requirement planning to guide production
Staging for production orders
Advanced Production Reports
Recipes and Formulation
Visually constructing recipes, complete with process and testing specifications
Use of user-defined library of process definitions
Work in weight, volume, and percent modes
Calculate finished product costs
Create Batching Orders
Scale Orders as required
Manufacture Bulk or Packaged Products
Generate Batch Tickets
Track Inventory
Track inventory by Container, Lot, or Warehouse
Track inventory by Barcoded Locations
Most inventory functions available on handheld device
Get full reports on inventory
Enforce inventory storage rules (e.g., allergens, flammables)
Automatically create barcodes on all incoming inventory
Material requirements planning
Issue and Generate Purchase Orders
Track open and historic purchase orders
Raw material inventory receipt, approval, and tracking
Maintain supplier price lists
Multi Currency
Enter Bills
Track Sales Orders
Enter Orders Manually
Integrate with e-commerce platforms
Maintain customer price lists
Laboratory Information Management
Track Samples
Label and store retain
Manage Test Results
Track Approvals
End-to-end traceability by Lot allows retrieval of retains
Easily determine which items need to be recalled if necessary
Generate Certificates of Analysis